Corex (corrugated polypropylene) can be inserted around the sides
to stiffen the bag and provide protection for the product from external
damage. A perimeter band (sewn around the top edge) will give extra
strength to loops on lifting. Self-standing loops can be easily attached
to lifting equipment, and loops can also be covered to protect them
from abrasion.
Corex Insertion
Perimeter Band
Loop Protection
Sift-Proof Seam
For fine powder products, coated fabrics and several seam
options are available. Based on the fitness of the contents,
one of various sift-proof methods will prevent leakage.
Various types of fastening systems can be applied to the filling
and discharge spouts.
Quick-Release Tie
Metal-Lock Release
B-Lock Release
Identification of the bag with your company and your product is
achieved through choice of color, printing and labeling. Different
types of document pouches can also be provided.