Bulk Bags, Woven Polypropylene Bags, Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers, FIBCs, Bulk Sacks, and Big Bags.

Company | Quality | Bulk Bags | Enquiry
nline Enquiry Form
Contact us for all your Bulk Bag requirements.


 Company Profile

 Quality Assurance
 Final Control

 Body Construction

 1&2 Loop [US]
 4 Loop [US]
 1&2 Loop [Metric]
 4 Loop [Metric]

   Contact Us
Enquiry Forms

If you would like to receive a quote for your bulk bag requirements please take a moment to fill out our online enquiry form. Our sales department will respond quickly to your request and will be happy to help you out with any custom design issue.

Please select the bag type and standard appropriate for your needs ("US Standard" forms contain measurements in inch/ozs/lbs - "Metric" forms contain measurements in cm/gram/kg.)

Enquiry Forms for
1 & 2 Loop Bulk Bags

Please choose..
[US Standard] or [Metric]
Enquiry Forms for
4 Loop Bulk Bags

Please choose..
[US Standard] or [Metric]
Should you experience any difficulty in specifying your custom bag requirements, please do not hesitate to contact our sales department.